
Professor of Applied Legal Theory, and Coordinator of the PhD program in Law, J.D and PhD at the Scuola Sant’Anna, taught Legal Philosophy at the Law Faculty in Pisa and Parma. He is the Director of the Center for Interlegality Research (CIR) and of the Higher Education Course on “Development Law, Policy and Advocacy”. Director for a decade of the Department of Law & Social Studies in Parma was a visiting fellow at several Law Schools, including Yale, Northwestern in  Chicago, and “ F. Braudel” Professorial Fellow at the EUI; Invited Research Fellow at the UNSW in Sydney; Inaugural Fellow of the Straus Institute, NYU; “McCormick” Fellow, at Edinburgh; Distinguished G.G. Fellow, Schuman Center of the EUI, and other. In the editorial or scientific board of a number of academic journals (including Law and Philosophythe Hague Journal on the Rule of LawKrytyka Prawa, Moscow State U. Kutafin Law Review, and others), he authored ten books, some translated into other languages, published two collections on the Rule of law (with N. Walker, Oxford 2009; and with L. Morlino, Leiden 2010) and the latest (2019) with Jan Klabbers, The Challenge of Inter-legality, a Cambridge U. Press volume on re- conceiving law as “Interlegality” in the supranational setting.


Applied Legal Theory (in Constitutional, Private and International Law). Rule of Law. Interlegality, Access to Justice,  European Union Government and Governance; Transnational Legal Theory; Human Rights and Fundamental Rights
; Constitutions, Democracy and Constitutionalism; Legal Interpretation and Argumentation.

Pubblicazioni Selezionate

For the full list of publication (English, Italian, Spanish) in recent years and beyond see the profile of the author at the Scuola Sant’Anna main page.


“Non-arbitrariness, rule of law and the margin of appreciation”, in Global Constitutionalism, March 2021, 10:1, pp. 139–151

“ Access to Justice: Dynamic, Foundational, and Generative” in Ratio Juris, 2021/1

“The Abuse of the Rule of Law”, in Hague Journal on the Rule of Law,  122020, pp. 387-98


(with J. Klabbers, eds), The Challenge of Inter-legality,  (ASIL Studies in International Legal theory), Cambridge University Press 2019


“Theories, realities and promises of Inter-legality. A Manifesto”, in Klabbers & Palombella eds, The Challenge of Inter-legality,  (ASIL Studies in International Legal theory), Cambridge University Press 2019, pp.363-391


“Illiberal, democratic, non arbitrary? Epicenter and circumstances of a rule of law crisis”, in The Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 2018, July, pp. 1-15

On the past and future of the transformation of Europe. Law, governance, rights and politics in the EU evolution” in M. Maduro & M. Wind (eds), The Transformation of Europe 25 years on, Cambridge University Press 2017

‘Beyond Legality, Before Democracy: Rule of Law Caveats in the EU Two Levels System’, in C. Closa, D. Kochenov, Reinforcing Rule of Law Oversight in the European Union, Cambridge University Press, 2016, pp. 36-59.

‘German War Crimes and the rule of International Law’, in Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2016/14 (3), pp. 606-14

‘The Rule of law at home and abroad’, in The Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 2016/1, pp. 1-23

‘Global Legislation and Its Discontents’, in Lijvoja, Petman (eds), International Law Making, Routledge, London, 2013, pp. 57-74.

‘The (re-) Constitution of the Public in a Global Arena’, in MacAmlaigh, Michelon, Walker (eds), After Public Law?, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013, pp. 286-310

E’ possibile una legalità globale? Il Rule of Law e la governance del mondo, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2012

The Rule of law beyond the State: Failures, Promises and Theory”, in International Journal of Constitutional Law, vol. 7, Issue 3, 2009 (July), pp. 442-46

‘From Human Rights to Fundamental Rights. Consequences of a Conceptual Distinction’, in Archiv fuer Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie (2007), vol. 93, n. 3, pp. 396-426

Corsi seguiti


  • Concepts and consequences: the law through conceptual couples (human rights-fundamental rights, certainty-balance, legislation-rights, validity-system; rule of law-rule by law; interpretation-application and so forth).
  • Sustainable Legalities: Approaches to inter-orders decision-making
  • Methodological problems and your research project in law