The selection procedure is divided into a pre-selection encompassing an assessment of the CV qualifications and the research project and an interview with the candidate.

The selection is carried out by a Commission appointed by the Scuola Sant’Anna’s Rector.

In the pre-selection phase, the Commission undergoes a preliminary evaluation of the coherence of the research projects presented with the research lines developed by the faculty. Only candidates who have passed the pre-selection phase are admitted to the qualification evaluation, where the Commission assesses the merits of the academic records, qualifications, attached publications, the research project, and the candidate’s overall Curriculum Vitae. A maximum grade of 70/100 points may be attributed.

Candidates scoring 49/70 points and above are admitted to the interview. During the interview, the candidates are asked to discuss their research project, as well as titles and publications presented. The Commission verifies the knowledge of a foreign language (normally English, French, Spanish, or German).

Interview-wise, the Commission assigns a maximum of 30/100 points.

Candidates who have achieved a score of at least 70/100 points are deemed suitable and subsequently listed in the final ranking. The top five candidates are admitted to the program.

Candidates admitted to the Ph.D. course receive formal communication from the School’s administration. The winners are required to communicate their acceptance in writing within 7 days to the given email address.

In case of inertia (no answer), the position will be assigned to the next suitable candidate according to the final ranking.

Again, please refer to the Call for admission for any details.