
Giacomo Delledonne is currently Assistant Professor of Constitutional Law at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa, where he also conducted postdoctoral research from 2017 to 2021. He collaborates with the Research Department of the Italian Constitutional Court.
He has written extensively in five languages (Italian, English, French, Spanish, and German). His first monograph L’omogeneità costituzionale degli ordinamenti composti (2017) was awarded the 10th “Opera Prima – Sergio P. Panunzio Prize”, organised by the Italian Associaton of Constitutional Law Professors
He is one of the convenors of a research group of the International Association of Constitutional Law (alongside Professor Patricia Popelier).
Since 1 February 2022, he has been coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module ENACTING – European Values in Context: Challenges and Comparative Insights. Starting in November 2023, he will serve as principal investigator in a national research project (PRIN) on "Identitarian public law: dynamics of illiberal exclusion and democratic inclusion".


- Italian and comparative constitutional law

- Forms of government, elections and political parties

- Federalism and regionalism

- EU constitutional law

- States of emergency, security and defence

Corsi Seguiti

– The Enforcement of Article 2 Values: Comparing the European Union and Federal Systems (PhD in Law)

– Security and States of Emergency: A Constitutional Law Perspective (MISS graduate programme)

– Problemi della giustizia costituzionale, oggi (undergraduate)



