
Immagine che contiene persona, uomo, occhiali, tuta Descrizione generata automaticamenteEmanuele Sommario is Associate Professor of International Law at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa, where he is also the Director of the Master in “Human Rights and Conflict Management”. He has been Excellence Fellow at the International Law Department of the University of Geneva (2010), Visiting Fellow at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (2013, 2014, 2015) and Visiting Scholar at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva (2016, 2017, 2018). 

From 2013 to 2016, he has been one of the coordinators of a research project on “International and European Disaster Law”, financed by the Italian Ministry for University under the FIRB scheme. Since 2020 he coordinates a Jean Monnet Module on “European and International Human Rights Standards in Disaster Settings”. He is a member of the International Law Association, and the Italian representative in the ILA Committee on Human Rights in Times of Emergency. He sits in the editorial board of the Yearbook of International Disaster Law.


International Human Rights Law, Law of Armed Conflict, International Disaster Law, Law of international responsibility, International Peacekeeping


Recent books

  • Stati d’emergenza e trattati a tutela dei diritti umani (2018)
  • Routledge Handbook of Human Rights and Disasters (2018)
  • “State Responsibility for Violations of International Humanitarian Law in the Work of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission: A Reappraisal Ten Years On”, in G. Venturini et al. (Eds.), The Armed Conflict Between Ethiopia and Eritrea in International Legal Perspective (II Edition), TMC Asser Press – Springer, 2021, pp. 477-494
  • “Climate Change Litigation before Human Rights Monitoring Bodies: the Teitiota Decision by the Human Rights Committee, in Questions of International Law, 2021, pp. 51 – 65
  • “Feeding the hungry, quenching the thirsty: Shaping the Rights to Food and Water in Disaster Settings through Humanitarian Standards” (with M. Alabrese and F. Spagnuolo), in Global Jurist, 20 (1), 2019, doi:
  • “Human rights law and Disaster risk reduction” (with Silvia Venier), in Questions of International Law, 2018, pp. 29 – 47
  • Stati d’emergenza e trattati a tutela dei diritti umani (“States of emergency and human rights law treaties”), Giappichelli, Turin, 2018
  • Routledge Handbook of Human Rights and Disasters (edited with F. Zorzi Giustiniani, G. Bartolini and F. Casolari), Routledge, London, 2018
  • “Limitation and Derogation Provisions in International Human Rights Law Treaties and Their Use in Disaster Settings”, in Zorzi Giustiniani at al. (Eds), Routledge Handbook of Human Rights and Disasters, Routledge, 2018, pp. 98 – 118
  • “Attribution of conduct in the framework of CSDP missions: reflections on a recent judgment by the Higher Administrative Court of Nordrhein-Westfalen”, in S. Poli (Ed.), Human Rights in EU Foreign Affairs, CLEER Papers 2016/5, TMC Asser Press, pp. 155 – 174
  • “Status of Foreign Fighters under International Humanitarian law” in A. de Guttry et al. (Eds.) Foreign Fighters under International Law and Beyond, TMC Asser Press – Springer, 2016, pp. 141 – 160
  • China’s and Italy’s Participation in Peacekeeping Operations (edited with A. de Guttry and L. Zhu), Lexington Books, Lanham, 2014

Corsi Seguiti

Courses taught (A.Y. 2020/21)

  • Introduction to International Human Rights Law (Postgraduate)
  • Research methodologies in international law (Postgraduate)
  • International Law and Armed Conflicts (Graduate)
  • Introduction to Public international law (Graduate)
  • International Humanitarian Law (Graduate)
  • Human Rights, Armed Conflicts and Disasters (Undergraduate)