
Giuseppe Martinico is Full Professor of Comparative Public law at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa. Prior to joining the Scuola Sant’Anna, he was García Pelayo Fellow at the Centro de Estudios Politicos y Constitucionales (CEPC), Madrid and Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute, Florence. Giuseppe got a PhD in Law from the Scuola Superiore Sant`Anna, where he also conducted two years of post-doctoral research. In Pisa he also serves as STALS Editor


  • Comparative Federalism
  • EU Constitutional Law
  • EU Law
  • Constitutional Theory


G. Martinico, “Populism, Constitutional Counter-Narratives and Comparative Law”, in European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance, 2021, 1-25


G. Martinico, O, Pollicino: “Use and Abuse of a Promising Concept: What Has Happened to National Constitutional Identity?”, Yearbook of European Law, Volume 39, 2020, 228–249


G. Martinico, Il diritto costituzionale come speranza. Secessione, democrazia e populismo alla luce della Reference Re Secession of Quebec, Giappichelli, Torino, 2019


G. Martinico, “Constitutionalism, Resistance, and Openness: Comparative Law Reflections on Constitutionalism in Postnational Governance”, Yearbook of European Law, 2016, 318-340.


G. Martinico, “The Federal Language and the European Integration Process: the European Communities viewed from the US”, Politique européenne, n. 53, 2016, 38-59.

G.Martinico, The Tangled Complexity of the EU Constitutional Process: The Frustrating Knot of Europe, Routledge, Abingdon, 2012 

G.Martinico, “Multiple loyalties and dual preliminarity: The pains of being a judge in a multilevel legal order”, International Journal of Constitutional Law, 2012, 871–896.

G.Martinico, “Is The European Convention Going To Be “Supreme”? A Comparative-Constitutional Overview of ECHR And EU Law Before National Courts”, European Journal of International Law, 2012, 401-424.

G.Martinico, Lo spirito polemico del diritto europeo Studio sulle ambizioni costituzionali dell’Unione, Aracne, Roma, 2011

G.Martinico-O.Pollicino, The Interaction between Europe’s Legal Systems: Judicial Dialogue and the Creation of Supranational Laws, Elgar, 2012 

G.Martinico, L’integrazione silente. La funzione interpretativa della Corte di Giustizia e il diritto costituzionale europeo, Jovene, Napoli, 2009


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